Manufacturers Industrial Group, LLC now operates a little greener — and brighter — with the aid of a Pathway Lending Energy-Efficiency Loan. The Lexington, TN based manufacturer has enjoyed more than just the energy cost saving benefits of the energy efficient lighting retrofit, and is considering similar upgrades for its other Tennessee facilities.
The process began with a study by the University of Tennessee Center for Industrial Services that recommended lighting improvements as the best proposal with the quickest payback. The loan will pay for itself in slightly more than two years through reduced energy costs.
While the quick ROI and long-term savings is a serious benefit, other benefits to this type of project should also be considered.
Employee Morale & Productivity: New lighting also provides a better environment for employees and MIG representatives report seeing a boost in morale. With improved light quality and improved worker morale, it is common to see corresponding increases in productivity.
Ease of Installation: While lighting projects typically have the quickest payback, they are also typically the quickest to install. The lighting retrofit at MIG, which has about 234,000 square feet of facilities in Lexington, began about a month ago and took three to four weeks to complete. This was completed during off-shifts and weekends, leaving the company's production unaffected.
Full Scope Audits Identify a Wide Range of Energy Efficiency Projects: The University of Tennessee Center for Industrial Services, as well as other audit providers such as the U.S. DOE Industrial Technology Program, look at more than just lights. They looked at wiring, air hoses, pumps, motors, power outlets and other areas that may yield significant energy cost savings.
Getting Ahead of Escalating Energy Costs: "You're going to get your best return in lighting," said Al Campbell, client manager for Pathway Lending. "There's a lot of folks doing it," Campbell said. "There's also going to be a lot of folks that will be doing it as energy prices rise. That's the long-term trend."
Learn more about the Pathway Lending Energy Efficiency Loan Program at www.PathwayLending.Org